Time to Learn How to Handle Energy Leaks
As you know, I don’t usually use this space for self-promotion, but I just had to say today that I gave a presentation last night at the OneSpirit Learning Alliance called “How to Be a Chakra Detective.” Twelve eager students worked diligently for an hour to learn how to recognize energy leaks, and how to change their behaviors to heal the leaks and prevent them from occurring again.
I know it sounds completely “woo,” but energy leaks are a real thing, and we allow them to remain in play at our own peril really. No, I don’t mean that energy leaks can kill you — probably not unless there’s a gunshot involved — but they sure can wear you down and keep you down.
One of the ways to work with energy leaks is to know your own energy system. So few of us even know we have one! Shocking, I know. But that’s why I wrote the Energy Integrity Workbooks pictured above. They take the student through what you learned in the past in each chakra, how you’re functioning in the present with each chakra, and how to change each chakra for the future.
Chakra work, my friend, isn’t fast, not really, but if you do the work, it’s usually permanent. The workbooks have some teaching in them, yes, but mostly they’re workbooks, and the work involved is yours!
I think that’s why I’ve stayed fascinated with humans for more than the forty years of my counseling practice. Not one of us is the same as another. Even if you want the same goal I do, my path to get there will be different from yours because we each have differing foundational experiences.
So this weekend, have a look on Amazon for the Energy Integrity Workbooks, and pick a color. The book description will tell you how. Isn’t it time you began to look at and heal your energy leaks?
Oh, and if you want to hear last night’s class? It’ll probably take their tech team a couple days to post it, but you will be able to find it here on YouTube.