Third Yellow Solar
Yes, we’ll get to the Third Yellow Solar Chakra, but first, let’s talk about color.
The usual assumption in life is that when I say the word yellow as a descriptor, the person to whom I am speaking knows what yellow is. If we were both looking at the image above, we would both know.
If you think about it, though, there are an awful lot of yellows, no?
Do I mean: taxicab yellow, lemon yellow, butter yellow, margarine yellow, egg-yolk yellow, sunshine yellow, pepper yellow? Yellow going toward green? Or yellow going toward orange? It’s a lot to think about!
In terms of chakras, we have to think about color in terms of light, not pigment. Chakras are part of Energy Medicine; their colors have to have an energetic basis.
The yellow above is the one I chose after much deliberation as the best digital yellow for the third chakra. If I were to go for yellow pigment, the color would be slightly different, more toward egg-yolk yellow, but that’s for another day.
No matter what shade of yellow you’re using, it can …
Indicate physical strength often
High levels of energy
Ability to sustain robust levels of activity
The Grace of the Second Orange Sacral Chakra is Passion.
Summon orange when you want to …
Loosen, relax, and stimulate eliminative processes
Stimulate the brain, aids in clearer & more positive thinking.
Work primarily on digestive functions.
Build bone
Loosen the congestion of a cold.
Enliven and eliminate. Release toxins throughout
Beware that …
Too much yellow can create disharmony, nervousness, digestive disruption, and eating disorders. Also, psychic and mental disorder.
Yellow controls the free-flow of your own sense of power, opening you to the “terrible gift of Free Will,” as author Madeleine L’Engle would have it. Seeing and experiencing the results of our choices are how we learn to use our will.
Often people conjure orange for: vitalization, mood elevating, dispelling fears, helping exhaustion, digestion, constipation, psychic development, motor stimulation, lymphatic activation, catharsis, building up nerves. (*And caveat emptor: this is not medical advice — it’s energy advice.)
Yellow is the energetic equivalent of the “juuuust right” when Goldilocks finds chair, bed, and porridge temperature to her liking. Use it to clear out thwarted dreams, and free yourself to use your will with enthusiasm.
Monday, Fourth Green Heart Chakra.