The Art and Spirit of Autogolpe

Susan Corso
4 min readDec 4, 2020
Time to get with the curriculum here …

New York Times Opinion Columnist Michelle Goldberg taught me a new word this morning. I love learning new words.


It comes to us from Spanish and it means self-coup. Google defines it as “A self-coup, a form of putsch or coup d’état in which a nation’s leader, despite having come to power through legal means, dissolves or renders powerless the national legislature and unlawfully assumes extraordinary powers not granted under normal circumstances.”

What, I wondered, would an internal autogolpe look like?

Then I fell over Andrew Ross Sorkin’s DealBook: How to Fix America. “As we face so many challenges, we asked top experts for one idea we could act on right now to make the country a better place.”

Do yourself a favor and make the time to read their answers; each one is brilliant. Each of the ideas addresses some aspect of our current circumstances in the United States. All of them are outwardly focused.

As I read these thoughtful, one-idea recommendations, my question about how to do them internally started to thrum in my brain.

I am a metaphysician. This means that I believe that the only real and permanent change grows from inside out in human beings. My commentary on each idea below reflects what it would mean for an individual to make these changes from the inside out, and what that might mean for our country and our world.

“Give Americans Cash at Birth So They Can Retire as Millionaires”
Teach everyone the principles of prosperity so we all know how to create wealth.

“Persuade Companies to Embrace a 2 Percent Solution”
Teach everyone that generosity is the first principle of prosperity so that circulation becomes the norm in economic behavior.

“Listen to the People You Disagree With the Most”
Teach everyone listening skills so that when we disagree, we have the communication chops to hear one another, consider differences, and compromise so everyone wins.

“Use Remote Work to Revitalize the Cities That Need It Most”
Teach everyone that each of us has our own unique gifts to give the world, and find ways to make contribution easier ergo more valued ergo more valuable.

“Fund Black-Owned Banks That Renew Opportunity”
Teach everyone the factual history of our nation, own the truth that we all come here with something to learn, and that prejudgments need to be healed because they do not serve anyone. Sometimes this will mean offering opportunity where it has previously been denied.

“Put an Internet-Enabled Device in the Hands of Every U.S. Child”
Teach everyone that we all deserve to have the tools we need to make a difference. Create a plan to make sure it happens.

“Require a Background Check on Every Gun Purchase in America”
Teach everyone the responsibility that comes with the burden of the potential for violence. Make sure the spiritual, moral, and ethical considerations are known and understood.

“Stop Pushing College”
Teach everyone that each of us has our own unique path to fulfillment here on Earth. Find mentors for everyone on all paths.

“Cut Carbon Emissions Everywhere (Starting With These Four Sectors) — electric utilities, vehicles, buildings and industry”
Teach everyone that we all share the responsibility for where we are, wherever we live — a home, a street, a neighborhood, a town, a state, a country, a planet. If we all share the responsibility, it’s easy to accomplish what’s necessary.

“Make Good, at Last, on Our Promises”
Teach everyone integrity — that our own wholeness depends upon honorable relations with others. Being persons of our word makes the whole world win.

“Improve Access to Technology and Hire More Tutors”
Teach everyone that the way they need to learn is the right way — for them. Cookie-cutter education doesn’t work for anyone; individual learning opens the whole world to inquisitive minds.

“Let Mental Health Experts Answer 911 Calls”
Teach everyone that we do not all come here with the same abilities or the same disabilities and that compassion for those who are more challenged makes for a world of caring for one another.

“Think of Education as More Than Just School”
Teach everyone that we are fourfold beings — body, heart, mind, spirit and that all parts of us want to learn, grow, and heal. All of life is a school, and the sooner we get with the curriculum, the sooner more of us will live in happiness and fulfillment which is our purpose here.

“Abolish ICE. For a Start.”
Teach everyone that we are best when we all consider ourselves global citizens. False lines drawn around states or nations or even in the sand do nothing but alienate all of us.

“Slash Regulation. Prioritize Growth.”
Teach everyone that the nature of reality on Earth is to expand, then contract, then expand again ad infinitum. Oversight is needed so that the needs of everyone are considered in our choices.

“Create a Paid Internship for Every College Graduate Who Wants One”
Teach everyone that we each have a unique and wondrous purpose here, that only we ourselves can fulfill, and do what it takes to foster that fulfillment.

“Ban Share Buttons On Social Media”
Teach everyone, right where they are, to slow down and appreciate themselves and our world. Efficiency isn’t the be-all and end-all. To-do is much less important that TA-DA!

These ideas, Beloved, are not new. They are based in spiritual practices thousands of years old. But did you know that it’s possible to implement them all right now, today, at home, without the permission of anyone except yourself?

May I invite you to an autogolpe, Beloved? Start your self-coup, your self-takeover today treating life as if it’s your own personal learning adventure, Beloved, and see what happens.

You in?

Yeah, me too.

Dr. Susan Corso is a spiritual teacher, the founder of iAmpersand, and the author of The Mex Mysteries, the Boots & Boas Books, and spiritual nonfiction. Her website is



Susan Corso
Susan Corso

Written by Susan Corso

Dr. Susan Corso a metaphysician with a private counseling practice for 40+ years. She has written too many books to list here. Her website is

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