Round the World Peace Rainbow

Susan Corso
2 min readOct 14, 2022

P*E*A*C*E in every language graces the image above. I liked that the English version of the word is in first-chakra Red. That’s where we Westerners collectively most need peace — in our first chakras.

I was on a podcast the other day and the host asked me about a chakra explanation for all the lies in the media lately. She said, “Lies, lies, and more lies! Where are they coming from?”

She assumed it was a Turquoise 5th chakra problem — and partially, it is. After all, would we even know there were so many “lies” if no one expressed them?

But then I took a different turn than the host expected. “But the real source of the lies is the first chakra.”

“What?!?!” bounced back over the airwaves.

Chakras, Beloved, often work in pairs, and different pairings occur depending upon what’s happening. In this case, the fear lurking in the collective first chakra [fear that the world is changing and that the way of life they think they want is no longer possible]channels straight through the 5th chakra for expression.

So here is the red PEACE. Now what does it mean that the Spanish for peace, PAZ is yellow? Would Spanish-speaking peoples the world over benefit from some peace in their 3rd chakras? Or French-speaking peoples the world [PAIX] over benefit from a little 5th chakra peace?

And what about MIR — the Russian for peace? In this image, it’s violet, a 7th chakra color. Could Russian-speaking peoples the world over need to tune up their awareness of their own place in the spiritual universe?



Susan Corso
Susan Corso

Written by Susan Corso

Dr. Susan Corso a metaphysician with a private counseling practice for 40+ years. She has written too many books to list here. Her website is

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