Emotions & The Chakras
Patreon: 11.18.22
Last day of colors, I promise. There’s one more important aspect to the colors of the chakras that must be spelled out because otherwise we, who call ourselves Chakra Detectives, miss a major portion of the human being.
First, though, we need to go backward in order to go forward [so typical of humans, no?].
I believe humans are fourfold creations. Not body, mind, spirit; not spirit, soul, body. You see, we all think we know what those terms mean, but do we? Maybe. More, do we mean the same thing as another person when we say, for example, “soul.”
What comprises a soul? It doesn’t really matter what you answer. What matters is that you have an answer that works for you.
So, back to the fourfold nature I mentioned: I believe humans are fourfold creations, like this:
Body / Heart / Mind / Spirit
[FWIW, what the trinitarian divisions leave out is “heart,” or maybe they don’t, but heart isn’t explicit in either case. So when someone is told “Follow your heart,” often they don’t even know what that means, let alone how to do it!]
So, we come full circle once again to colors. The colors of the chakras are the realm of the Heart — the emotions in all their magic, all their wonder, all their capacity, and all their raw power.
When the color of a chakra waivers, we are reminded, as Chakra Detectives, to ask about the Heart and its Emotions.
Today, check in on one of your chakras — any one will do. See if you can sense an emotion in the motion of the sphere. If you can make the time, do this with all eight of them.
May I wish you a brilliantly “color-full” weekend? And I’ll see you Monday.