Chakras & The In-Betweens
There are as many theories about chakras, and how they work, as there are chakra teachers. For real.
I’ve been working with the chakra system for more than forty years, and I heard a chakra teacher just yesterday say something that sparked a new idea about the chakras. Amazing and fascinating.
The most important thing about the chakras, in my view, is that they are a system. They’re meant to work together as a system. Regardless, because being part of western civilization insists, most of us teach the chakras one at a time, and forget to include them all as one.
One of the major areas of differing chakra theories, once we’ve divided and conquered them, so to speak, is what happens between each chakra.
For the next week or so, I’ll be exploring several of the system in-betweens.
First, let me remind you to think of the chakras as a system, and not to lose sight of the system at the expense of learning about one or another chakra.
Now, let’s look only at the color in-betweens.
I teach that we have eight major chakras — seven are internal, and appear as three-dimensional energetic spheres in front of the spine. They correspond, from bottom to top, to the colors of the rainbow.
Instead, most of us conceptualize the chakras as colored Tums on a ribbon. Uh, no.
Back to the colors and the in-betweens. Just read this list to yourself, imagining the colors as I name them.
Tomorrow, we’ll begin with Red>RedOrange, and we’ll work our way up through the Chakra In-Betweens.