Chakras & the Endocrine Glands

Susan Corso
2 min readNov 15, 2022

Patreon 11.15.22

After I made the anatomical labels, I thought, maybe I should do one with the endocrine glands that correspond to each chakra? Voila. I once heard a physician, actually an endocrinologist, explain that the endocrine system is The Sphinx of the human body.

The room laughed when he said it, but I thought, hmm, I wonder why. Later, I cornered him and asked him. The gist of his answer was: because it’s the only system in the body that, when it malfunctions, adjusts itself.

How does that work? I asked. Like this, he said: If your adrenals tank because you’re under too much stress, your thyroid gland will overwork to make up for the deficiency, so that, when a patient appears in an endocrinology office, it can be very difficult to diagnose the origin of the problem. Made sense to me.

But … not when referring to the unreferenced system of the human — the human energy system which, viewed through a prism, is the chakras.

As you know, I work with eight major chakras: the classical seven of Hindu origin from Root to Crown: red, orange, yellow, green, turquoise, indigo, violet; and the eighth Thymus chakra: rose pink.

The metaphysical locales of each energy sphere correspond to physical locales in each body. Like this:

Red Root Chakra connects to the gonads (all sorts.)

Orange Sacral Chakra connects to the adrenals.

Yellow Solar Chakra connects to the pancreas.

Green Heart Chakra connects to the physical heart.

Turquoise Throat Chakra connects to the thyroid.

Indigo Brow Chakra connects to the pituitary.

Violet Crown Chakra connects to the pineal.

Rose Thymus Chakra connects to the thymus.

Now, just like the endocrinologist implied, it’s the connections between and amongst these ductless glands that matters, the same is true of the chakras.

Tomorrow, we visit the meanings of the colors to which they correspond.

For today, though, scan your memory of bouts of illness you’ve experienced in the past. Consider them from the viewpoint of the chakras and the endocrine glands. I’m certain you’ll see patterns that reflect your wellbeing on all levels of your life: body/heart/mind/spirit.



Susan Corso

Dr. Susan Corso a metaphysician with a private counseling practice for 40+ years. She has written too many books to list here. Her website is