Chakras & Symbolism: Fifth to Eighth
It will come as no surprise to you that every person has their own idea of what chakras look like, both inside themselves, and in others. And, for all we know, each one of us might be right, or, maybe better said, each one of us is right for ourselves.
That’s how it goes when dealing with things that are invisible to the five external senses, and that’s why I only take students who understand that my goal is not for them to adopt my system, but to learn mine so as to be able to develop their own.
What that usually means is that we instinctually look for symbols to represent whatever it is that’s invisible.
Take medicine by way of example. We have the caduceus to represent all that medical personnel and treatment encompass.
The same is true of the chakras.
For today, we’re going to touch on how to work with more than one chakra at a time — because it’s very, very rare that only one chakra is involved in an external issue.
A quick reminder of the second quartet of chakras, Turquoise Throat, Indigo Brow, Violet Crown, and Rose Thymus are the templates for learning the higher lessons about: body, heart, mind, and spirit, in that order. If your troubles source in an erroneous learning about why life works the way it does, here is your palette for change.
The colors associated with them are, of course, turquoise, indigo, violet, and rose. ose — the colors of the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth rays of the rainbow spectrum.
Generally, all imagery indicative of life meaning: how to speak truth that frees, how to know from the inside out, how to connect deliberately with the Divine Within, and how to connect deliberately with the Divine in others.
When you’re working on Second Quartet Chakra issues, make sure you either wear or can see all four colors wherever you spend most of your time. Small pieces of origami paper work well for this. This covers sight.
Music that reminds you that there is more to life than what you experience on the surface covers hearing. (Suggestion: what music utterly transports you to a better world? For me, almost always, the overtures and entr’actes of musicals fit that bill nicely.)
Turquoise, Indigo, Violet, Rose foods of all kinds cover taste. I’d go to the grocery and get creative. It doesn’t matter if you choose food boxes with these colors or actual foods.
Find a rainbow fidget, or put several small tumbled pieces of turquoise, lapis lazuli, amethyst, and rhodochrosite on your desk or get a small squares of fabric and tuck them into your clothing somewhere to cover touch. Remember, the stones have simply to be the colors you want to use.
As for scent, the most primal of our senses, what smells like turquoise to you? Because I associate turquoise with gorgeous indigenous jewelry, corn tortillas work here for me. Indigo? Blue corn chips, always. Violet? Eggplant. Rose? Borscht, or anything with beets. The other way is to remember a situation in which a color associated with a scent stood out for you. Imagine it, and there’s coverage for smell.
Soak up these symbolic reminders to fill up your first quartet of chakras.
A reminder: here is where chakras come from: When a being incarnates, there is a burst of brilliant light. I’d call that The Divine Spark. It animates all your systems. If you’ll view that burst of light, that Divine Spark, through a prism, you will see the eight major chakras.