Chakras & Personal Rhythms: Eighth Rose Thymus
One of the things that some teachers recommend is slotting tasks and appointments according to the best time of day for whichever chakra is ascendent at the time.
For the next week or so, I want to explore the recommended times, and also make a far more vital point about the human energy system, of which the chakras make up the major share, and the use of our time.
If we still lived with an agrarian calendar, meaning without the ability of electricity to make light available 24/7, the original chakra times would still be perfectly applicable today.
For the Eighth Rose Thymus, the optimal time is:
The Grace of this chakra is Compassion, and it allows us to gift others with Kindness.
Pre-dawn early morning can be a true bonanza if we’ll stay in the liminal space between waking and sleeping. Here is the place where you are usually less resistant, more open, and able to dream yourself into new ways of being.
The real point here is to learn your own rhythms.
If you work the night shift, say, your best Eighth Rose Thymus time would likely be 4–6 PM, not AM.
Eighth Chakra issues are all about your ability to see yourself, everyone else, and the whole world through the loving, impartial lens of the Divine When you are in need of offering or receiving forgiveness that seems a stretch too far, when can you best shore yourself up? That will be your best Eighth Chakra Time.
Blessèd week.