Chakras & Numbers
Patreon 11.21.22
Most chakra systems — and there are plenty, starting in ancient times up to today and across cultures — use ordinal numbers to identify each chakra. Ordinals are the ones that include suffixes like -st, -nd,-th. You know the ones that automatically become superscript in Word.
In the system that I’ve compiled over forty years of research, the chakra numbers have come to represent the mental aspect of humankind just as the colors cover the emotional aspect.
Because numbers are abstract. Think about it. Unless numbers are used for counting or quantifying items like, say, chocolate chip cookies, they attach to nothing except themselves.
When you see a 7 or 7th written somewhere, I’ll bet your brain doesn’t even have to consciously think whether 6 of 6th came before it. In fact, most likely, you begin to look for the first six because you ask unconsciously, How did we get to 7?
You will note that I’ve made a patent distinction between the brain — you know, that organic gray matter that resides between your ears — and the mind. Where exactly do you keep your mind, Beloved?
Huh, you’re thinking. No one’s ever asked me that before!
I maintain that your mind actually is your chakras. They’re the record-keepers of your experience. All of your experience. Yesterday, today, tomorrow, and all the lifetimes before this one.
For today, see if you can give some time to figuring out where in your body you experience your mind.