Chakras & Homeopathy: An Introduction
There are an infinite number of ways to approach chakras, and to work with these magical, restorative components of the human energy system. Remember that chakras are the principle components of the human energy system. I see them as the Divine Life Force itself viewed as a prism.
For the next few posts, I’m going to address some of the energetic benefits of using energy medicine via homeopathy in combination with the chakras.
Homeopathy is practiced very differently all over the world depending upon where the homeopath trained. In the UK, a homeopath does a three- to four-hour intake interview, meditates for three-four weeks, and gives you, the patient, one pill to last for the next six-twelve months.
In the US, a homeopath does a long intake interview as well but nowhere near as comprehensive as in the uk, sits quietly, and sells you, the patient, a bottle of one TO three remedies to take in multiples and repeatedly over a short period of time.
In the UK, you can see a homeopath under the auspices of The National Health. In the us, most western medically-trained doctors tend to think homeopathy is a lot of hooey.
For my money, I find it hugely transformative, and helpful on all levels. Best to go with a practitioner who you really connect with, and to stay with that person. IT’S, UH, COMPLICATED.
And, as is true with any kind of medical treatment, whether you believe me or not, you are your own best healer IF you’ll listen to your body. Homeopathy speaks to the wisdom inherent in my body. I use it daily. Herbs also speak to me, from almost any medical system. Vitamins, not so much.
Why? Well, I think why is unimportant. If you’ll get still and pay attention to the wisdom of your own body’s well-being and not totally abdicate your body to the ‘expertise’ of anyone else, you will find your way. And if your path is a totally western, allopathic, gimme-a-magic-bullet choice, go for it.