Chakras & Exercise: Third Yellow Solar
Chakras are the core of the human energy system. Working with these magical, restorative components allows you to heal, grow, and learn from the inside-out. I see them as the Divine Life Force itself viewed as a prism.
For the next few posts, I’m going to address some of the energetic benefits of using energy medicine via specific daily exercises in combination with the chakras. They are based on the chakra work of Alexa Ispas.
The Grace of the Third Yellow Solar Chakra is Power.
Learning to work consciously with whatever brings out your passion, whether one feel an excess as in unbridled enthusiastic energy, or numb not-caring energy, can be enhanced by using these recommended exercises:
Hold the super(wo)man pose for a couple of minutes. This will switch on the energy of your solar plexus chakra.
Make your bed as soon as you get up. This will give you an early sense of achievement at the start of your day.
Set an achievable daily goal. Prioritize your self-confidence over your ambition.
Let’s go over them, one at a time, and I’ll explain.
If you haven’t yet seen the TED Talk by Dr. Amy Cuddy, give yourself the gift of congruent body language and view it here. One of the salient, oft-omitted details about body language, which is ordinarily taught as how we move our bodies affects the perceptions of others, is that it also has a deep and abiding effect on how we perceive ourselves.
Do you make your bed as soon as you get up? I do, and I did before I learned of this suggestion. I do it because I think of it as clearing away whatever happened in the dreamspace, sort of like shaking an Etch-A-Sketch. This one is so simple, and way more valuable that it appears.
An achievable daily goal — let’s get specific, shall we? This is not: Clean the entire house. This is: clean out the junk drawer. One small, attainable, feel-good-about-checking-it-off-the-list task. Isn’t it interesting that all of these exercises are about adjusting your inner thermostat? Only then do those adjustments show up in your world.
These three, done daily will energize and balance your Third Yellow Solar Chakra. Try them for 21 days and see what happens.
A healthy solar chakra is the foundation for confidence in the rest of your system.
Remember, Beloved, the most important thing about the chakras is that they form a system. They need your attention on integration with one another. This is what will allow you to live in integrity — your own wholeness.