Chakras & Exercise: Fifth Turquoise Throat
Chakras are the core of the human energy system. Working with these magical, restorative components allows you to heal, grow, and learn from the inside-out. I see them as the Divine Life Force itself viewed as a prism.
For the next few posts, I’m going to address some of the energetic benefits of using energy medicine via specific daily exercises in combination with the chakras. They are based on the chakra work of Alexa Ispas.
The Grace of the Fifth Turquoise Heart Chakra is Creativity.
Learning to work consciously with whatever brings out your personal ability to love, whether one feels an excess as in a cup of overflowing emotion, or wary, untrusting energy, can be enhanced by using these recommended exercises:
Buzz like a bee, or hum deep in your throat. This will switch on the energy of your throat chakra.
Sing. This will clear your throat chakra of stuck energy and allow it to act as a channel between your lower and upper chakras.
Write your morning pages. This will help you give expression to anything you cannot directly express to others. This exercise also allows you to become aware of any guidance coming from your subconscious and give voice to your half-baked ideas. It provides an outlet for any of your thoughts, no matter how vague, and gives you the opportunity to examine them in more detail.
Let’s go over them, one at a time, and I’ll explain.
Everything is vibration; that’s not news. What is news to a lot of folks is that we can learn to use vibration itself to make our lives better. Start by humming low in your throat. Try different pitches. You’ll feel them in differing places in your body.
Sing. Oh yes, sing. And it doesn’t matter at all what you sing or how well, only that you sing. When I was younger and couldn’t access my sad emotions because I was too angry, any old song always helped me get past the anger to the real feeling.
Morning pages are an exercise designed and recommended by Artist’s Way author Julia Cameron. They’re written long-hand, first thing in the morning, and meant as a kind of brain dump. You just write and then see what’s come out. Often a spelling slip or a word will give you insight.
These three, done daily will energize and balance your Fifth Turquoise Throat Chakra. Try them for 21 days and see what happens.
A healthy Throat chakra is the foundation for all manifestation in the rest of your system.
Remember, Beloved, the most important thing about the chakras is that they form a system.
They need your attention on integration with one another. This is what will allow you to live in integrity — your own wholeness.