Chakras! Correspondence Compendium

Susan Corso
2 min readOct 6, 2022

Aren’t these pretty? They’re all different forms of the Hindu sigils for the first seven major chakras. I found them because I’m in the process of creating what I’m calling the “Chakras! Correspondence Compendium.”

When I started out doing podcasts, intent on talking about my series of eight workbooks called Energy Integrity, I’d been combing through years and years of saved tidbits about the chakra system. I’ve been working with them steadily for over forty years!

Well, let me tell you, there was a lot of information. I mean, A LOT. And it really had no rhyme or reason to it except that it was all jammed into a folder called Chakras.

There are as many ways to approach chakras as there are people, Beloved, so I began to talk with my best fan and better advisor, Tony Amato — book-husband extraordinaire (full disclosure: and legal husband as well, although there’s a long, long story that goes with that) and, lo and behold, the idea for this Compendium took form.

It was so enticing that I actually — FINALLY — learned/taught myself to use Excel Spreadsheets, and that’s sayin’ somethin’. So try these on for a bit.

You can approach chakras as … colors, numbers, locations, glands, organs, planets, tarot, astrology, runes, Chinese meridians, Taoist yin/yang qualities, yantras, mantras, tantras, yoga paths, Sufi latifah, Christian sacraments. Whew! I’ll stop there.

The point is that there’s an access point that will work for you! And you will be able to find it in the Compendium when it’s done. I think the reason there are so many ways to view chakras is because we all have them! Even if we don’t know it.

Take a look at the varied yantras (visual images for meditation) above. Which color draws your eye? See if you can find it in your environment all day long. If you can’t, no worries, use your imagination to bathe your being in light, and see just how good that makes you feel.



Susan Corso
Susan Corso

Written by Susan Corso

Dr. Susan Corso a metaphysician with a private counseling practice for 40+ years. She has written too many books to list here. Her website is

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