Chakras & Bach Flower Remedies for Over-care for the Welfare of Others
Chakras are the principle components of the human energy system. I see them as the Divine Life Force itself viewed as a prism. Because chakras are energetic, energetic treatment modalities are ideal.
For the next week or so, I’ll write about the chakra system, and the remarkable work known as The Bach Flower Remedies. Here’s an intro:
Dr. Edward Bach is the homeopath & M.D. who created the Bach Flower Essences. There are 38 in his set. Lots of other companies make flower essences, and you can even make your own, but the only ones I am familiar with and use are the Bach Flower Essences. Again, how and where they are manufactured matters. Caveat emptor.
Dr. Bach divided those 38 into seven groups. Did he mean them to be the chakras? No one knows. However, Anna Jeoffroy and Philip Salmon, authors of the only book I’ve found on Bach Flower Essences and the chakras, seem to think he did.
Dr. Bach wrote, “Disease of the body itself is nothing but the result of the disharmony between soul and mind. Remove the disharmony, and we regain harmony between soul and mind, and the body is once more perfect in all its parts.”
He called the remedies in each emotional grouping: The Helpers. Here is the list of the remedies which go with the Sixth Indigo Brow Chakra group; they address Over-care for the Welfare of Others another way to say, co-dependency.
Beech: Helps you be less critical toward other people and accept them as they are.
Chicory: Helps you to be less critical, opinionated, and argumentative. You always find something about others that you believe should be put right.
Rock Water: Helps when you expect too much of yourself.
Vervain: For strong-willed people who hold strong views. They put unnecessary effort into everything they undertake, your mind races ahead of events, you may suffer from lack of sleep due to an overactive mind.
Vine: Helps you respect other people’s views and ideas, you tend to try to persuade other people to do things your way.
If you’re human — and I’m assuming that if you’re reading this, you are — we all have occasions where the world becomes just too much and can cause us to visit uncertainty. Keyword: visit. Don’t buy a house. Don’t sign a lease. Dowse for a remedy, and find something beautiful to look at, listen to, touch, taste, or smell. The uncertainty will lift.
How do I know? Been there, done that.