Chakra Rights: 7th
Patreon 2.15.23
I bet you didn’t know that having an energy system gives you certain rights. Few of us do. However, I am intent on healing this omission in human education, even if I have to do it one person at a time. It makes little sense to me that we are not taught at all about the system that powers every other system we have!
The easiest way to access the human energy system is through the chakras — the spheres of energy that exist at the core of each one of us. The germ of human energy is what I would call the Divine Spark. It’s a flash of brilliant light.
If you’ll look at the Divine Spark through a prism, you’ll see the eight major chakras. Each one comes with Responsibilities, yes, but also Rights.
We’ll move today to the Violet Crown Chakra, and explore these Rights. The Right inherent to this seventh chakra is:
To know.
Now before you dismiss this notion wholesale, stop. Think a minute. Well, no, connect with yourself for a minute.
Does every part of you believe in your right to know? Does every part of you believe in your right to certainty from the inside out? Without qualification. Because that’s what this is: if you’re here, we might say, you are allowed to know here. No exceptions.
Think of the many social constructs both explicit and implicit in our civilization, and in civilizations through time. Has everyone always even had the right to know? To listen within, and act upon inner knowing?
Um, as hard as it may be to hear this, no. There have been divisions and hatreds and wars and vilifications and demonizations as long as there have been humans. Ouch, right?
One of the great metaphysical secrets of life, Beloved, is:
If I don’t want equally for you what I want for me, then I myself limit what I can be, do, and have.
On this hangs the law and the prophets.
So, the next time you question someone else’s right to know or to pay attention to their inner life, stop. Make a full stop. Really? Are you questioning your own? I thought not.
Tell yourself: oh right, this being has a right to know, to seek and own their inner truth, just like me. And, conversely, I do not have the right to tell that being toward whom or what their knowing is directed, or ought to be (and neither does that being have that right over mine.) Then scootch over metaphorically and make a little more space for that entity just to know as they determine to be appropriate for themselves.
You’ll find that it gives you more space to know from the inside-out as well.
P.S. So often we limit our ideas about knowing to what we ourselves can validate from outside us. Why? There’s definitely a name for that. It’s called science, but science isn’t knowing. True knowing, the kind I reference here is knowing from the inside out without external “proof.” It’s knowing that you’re so certain of that no one can question it. No one has limitations on knowing except those we agree to ourselves. Do your best to refrain from limiting the knowings of others. Who knows what life-saving, or earth-saving, or you-saving notions they might be willing to share?
I’ll be back tomorrow with the Eighth Rose Thymus Chakra Right To …