Chakra Primary Verbs: 8th
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I have a particular fondness for the Primary Verbs attached to each chakra because it boils down the entire energy center to one act. It could be argued that these Primary Verbs are too simple, but simple, as I wrote in a recent issue of The Ampersand Gazette can be good.
Certainly, it goes with humankind’s latest propensity to reduce everything to zeroes and ones so whatever it is can be digitized or technologized or virtualized.
Actions in themselves are energy potentials.
We’ll use the Rose Thymus Chakra’s Primary Verb as today’s example. In the coming days, we’ll explore them all.
The Primary Verb for this Eighth Chakra is:
I am.
If you’re reading this, Beloved, you most likely do, indeed, to one degree or another, exist. Hence, I am. Although it’s true, you could be doing your level best to suppress every ability you have to exist at this very moment. Regardless of those efforts, you are, for the moment, capable of existing to the degree that you can, and are willing.
Do you ever find that you’re suddenly awash in gratitude because you can exist?
Gratitude makes everything in every life easier.
A great way to work with these Primary Verbs is to choose one to remember throughout your day. Set a timer to go off every hour or so, and when it does, stop.
Notice your situation. Report on it to yourself: Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? Then ask yourself:
Does this enhance the sense that I am for me? If it does, brava. If it doesn’t, ask yourself what might change that. Make that change, if you are able, as soon as possible.
I usually put a button on the end of each such pause by changing the grammar of the Primary Verb. I remind myself …
I am being.
FWIW, Beloved, it’s of note that this primary verb might also be said I am here, taking up space, incarnate, part of life here on Earth at this time and in this place. This Rose Eighth Chakra is our direct connection to the Impersonal Love that powers the Divine in the Cosmos. Another way to say it might be, your immunity.
This chakra sits in front of the thymus gland, which is responsible for physical immunity. The Rose sphere is responsible for emotional, mental, and spiritual immunity. It’s the place wherein you know that your very existence makes a difference, that there’s a reason you’re here now, and that the rest of the world needs you here just as much as you need to be here.
As you focus on this Primary Verb, give some thought to your choices around your immunity from things and people who could hurt you. You always have a choice about whether to allow it. To co-opt a phrase, to be or not to be; that is the question.
The sense of your being that you allow yourself to have, dear one, is, as always, totally up to you. I’ll be back tomorrow with a whole new series on the chakra system based on what each one gives you The Right To ….