Chakra less/MORES: 7th & 8th
Patreon 1.2.23
Usually, when I do a podguesting spot, one of the things the host asks is: how can I start now? (Chakras are intriguing, dontcha know?)
I was asked it so often that I developed what I call the less/MORES. There’s one for each chakra. Two behaviors, uh, one to do less, and one to do more.
During this week when most of us set New Year’s Resolutions, I’ll be profiling two less/MORES per day. That way you can add chakra work to assist with your own resolutions if you want.
Oh, and if you want your very own free copy of the less/MORES, go to, and download one or both. I’m a Libra. I liked both images and couldn’t decide between them.
So the less/MORE for the 7th Violet Crown Chakra is:
hoard less/SHARE MORE
Good advice generally, but let’s look a little deeper. First, remember that each of these behaviors has an internal aspect as well as an external one. Sure, you could be surrounded by miserliness, but you could also be the exact same miser inside your own mind. [Ever noticed that miser- is the beginning of miserable? Just sayin’.] Be on the lookout for both.
Second, humans don’t not do things very well. I’ll prove it; whatever you do, don’t think about the Statue of Liberty. How fast did she raise her torch? Usually, it’s instant. That’s why I made sure there were behaviors to replace the ones we’re stopping. Otherwise, all that will happen is we’ll go into resistance to complaining, and create more of it.
SHARE MORE. Start in the bathroom mirror, Beloved. Generosity starts at home for sure. Share something you’d been withholding from yourself. Even if it’s just your next breath, kudos you wished you’d gotten from others, or a standing ovation. Often, we hold on to things or people or places inappropriately when we face the unknown. Start by sharing more with yourself and of yourself, and then, as Dolly Gallagher Levi of Hello, Dolly! fame notes of manure, “Then spread it around, encouraging young things to grow.”
Just think. If you feel like you have to hold on, wouldn’t you bet a nickel that others feel the same? Start to share yourself with them and invite their sharing and watch the whole thing turn around.
The less/MORE for the 8th Rose Thymus Chakra is:
judge less/ACCEPT MORE
Most of the time, when we judge, we’re making an attempt at some sort of bypass. We’re avoiding the time, energy, focus, and commitment that real acceptance requires. Often, we’re spouting what others have taught us, rather than what we ourselves actually think. Judging, either ourselves or others, is an intellectual form of rejection, Beloved. No one likes to be rejected. It’s a dreadful feeling. Instead, there’s an easier, gentler, happier option — open your mind. You must have heard this one: Minds are like parachutes — they work best when they’re open.
ACCEPT MORE is all about reporting. This, whatever this is, is happening. I can see it, hear it, taste it, smell it, touch it. This is a fact. But facts, Beloved, are not always Truth. Accept doesn’t mean you have to like what you’re perceiving. In fact, it’s probably best if you put no value judgment on it at all. It — whatever it is, is. Period.
There are all sorts of good reasons to accept more, Beloved. You might learn something. You might be able to let something go. You might prosper from what you hear. If you take the stance that judging is a form of rejection, and decide that you don’t want to be that knee-jerk rejector, you will be contributing moment by moment to the healing of the world.
Thus, we come to the end of the Chakra less/MORES. Tomorrow … more adventures with the Chakras.
Along with a blessing for a magical 2023.