Chakra Keywords: 8th
Patreon 1.25.23
It won’t surprise you in the least to learn that there is a Keyword for each chakra. I think of them as a one-and-done version of the Graces, Gifts, Fors, and Bys.
Actually, the keyword for each chakra is a great way to begin your own personal chakra journey. In fact, I should probably stop a sec here and explain.
When it comes to chakras, you can, of course, learn about the chakras at a theoretical altitude and consider yourself educated, but the real path into chakras is that you learn about your chakras at a practical, everyday altitude.
Because that’s how you use your own energy system to power your function in the world.
Which to my way of thinking is way more important, and buckets more interesting than any theory you could learn.
So let’s go on to the Rose Thymus Chakra Keyword:
The eighth chakra is all about your immunity — body, heart, mind, and spirit — through compassion, or, unconditional positive regard. This is the gift that allows us to understand the most basic truth about our species; namely, that underneath all the surface differences (no two alike, like a snowflake, as they say,) we are all actually quite similar. It is those similarities that place all of us into the chronology we call time. Doesn’t Eternity make sense?
Each of us has the capacity for Compassion, whether we know it or not, listen to it or not, act on it or not — all those issues are a choice, but the actual possibility to feel Compassion toward an other is not in question. It’s a given. Equally true is that we all have the capacity to ignore that universal feeling of Compassion (which, in truth, cuts off our own noses to spite our faces.) If we don’t give our Compassion, how can we expect to receive it when we need it?
Imagine if you will how it would be to do your life without the ability to be aware of our own Compassionate nature. It could be utter mayhem.
So, assuming you’re working along with me with these keywords, keep a sticky within your vision (a rosy pink one if you can) that says Eternity. Consider that there only is an Eternity because we can be Compassionate.
When you notice it, take a quickie inventory. How are you faring on a Vision level in that one moment of your life? (Sometimes when I do this, I set a timer to remind me to check in with myself.) Are you aware of the spirit within you right then? Do you feel just how unique you really are? If so, excellent. Note why.
If not, go further. Is something too much? Is something not enough? What do you need to return to feeling good? Can you access it? Jot a note to yourself so that at the end of the day you have a list. Then do some serious looking at the patterns of your Compassion in the world.
Tomorrow, we’ll start to explore the Primary Verbs for each chakra.