Chakra Key Contrasts: 6th & 7th
Patreon 5.18.23
One of the most important things about the chakras, if not the most important, is that they are meant to work together, all together. All the time.
Here is where chakras come from: When a being incarnates, there is a burst of brilliant light. I’d call that The Divine Spark. It animates all your systems.
If you’ll view that burst of light, that Divine Spark, through a prism, you will see the eight major chakras.
Now, chakras, like all things made manifest on Earth, work within the laws of polarity. The entire planet is based upon these principles.
We compared the key contrasts of the chakras in order. Now let’s compare the key contrasts as we rise up the chakras. We’ve done Root to Sacral. Now let’s look at the sixth Indigo Brow Chakra in relation to the seventh Violet Crown Chakra.
The Brow Chakra is:
Feminine, Inner Explorations, Seeking, Conceptual
The Crown Chakra is:
Masculine, Outreach, Finding, Practical
The pairs then are: Feminine/Masculine, Inner Explorations/Outreach, Seeking/Finding, Conceptual/Practical.
These two are elementally connected as well — Brow is Water, Crown is Air..
Now look again at the list of words just in terms of their elements. Don’t the words make sense?
Here’s why these key contrasts are so valuable: if you’ll apply these words to behaviors, you can figure out which chakra needs attention for healing, growth, and peace.
Next time you’re struggling in a situation, note your behaviors, and see if that doesn’t help you toward inner peace.
Tomorrow, we’ll cover the eighth Thymus Chakra and the first Root Chakra.