Chakra Healing Affirmations: Fifth Turquoise Throat
Chakra Healing Affirmations: Fifth Turquoise Throat
Just now
Remember that the eight major chakras comprise a system, and it’s the chakra system that’s vital, not just each individual component of it. That said, let’s start with the Fifth Turquoise Throat Chakra, and explore how to use affirmations to keep your energy bright.
The Grace of the Fifth Turquoise Throat Chakra is Creativity. This is the unmerited gift that comes with having a chakra system. The Gift of Creativity enables us to gift others with Wonder.
A quick word about affirmations. An affirmation is a deliberate, positive thought that produces a desired result. They’re also a secret antidote to the negativity that surrounds us, and the negativity that is stored within us.
The secret to powerful affirmations is to choose one that provokes strong emotion in you. Even if you and I were working toward the exact same goal in life, we would need differing affirmations because of the individual wiring of our chakra systems.
Here is a slew of Fifth Turquoise Throat Chakra affirmations:
Everyone hears me.
Everything I do is an expression of love.
I allow the expression of my true self to find form.
I am able to harness my will power to control addictive influences in my life.
I am confident in the healing power of love to open my throat for greater self-expression.
I am ready to put my negative habits to one side & openly develop my creativity.
I can harness my will for my creative and spiritual development.
I express myself creatively and openly.
I express myself openly & freely.
I hear others; I listen when they speak.
I know exactly when to speak and when to keep silence.
I love & trust my creative gifts.
I release the fear and doubts which block the way to my creative expression.
I say what I mean and I mean what I say.
I speak the truth.
I substitute love, joy, and creative expressions for old patterns of addiction & abuse.
I willingly give up being in the way of enhancing my own creative gifts.
If I don’t have anything to say, I keep quiet.
It is now right for me to express the best of who I am now.
It is now safe for me to express my feelings.
Love opens the door for me to feel whole & complete.
How do I use these? you’re asking.
Pick one to use for the whole day. Choose the one that invokes emotion. Recite it to yourself until you’ve got it memorized, or put it on an index card where you can access it.
If you want a general good feeling, choose a general affirmation.
If you want to answer a specific upset, choose one that deals with that.
What a good affirmation really does is bring up from within you everything inside that disagrees with the statement. Like this: let’s say you’ve been feeling really silenced lately, and you’re tired of it. Choose: I express myself creatively and openly.
Say it to yourself off and on all day. Set a timer, doodle it, write it on your hand, and let arise everything inside you that isn’t the truth of life being good. Is there healing to do? Great, use chakra colors.
Because we all have our own healing goals, respecting our own means that be would do well to respect the healing goals of others. And that we must want for everyone what we want for ourselves. If I begrudge you having what I want, then I can’t have it either.
It’s because we’re all energetically connected.
Blessèd weekend.