Chakra Collective Agendas: Sixth Indigo Brow
Have you ever considered that most of humanity has been conditioned to believe that we are missing essential things in ourselves?
Well, we say, I don’t know how to do X well. I’m missing that skill. Really? Are you? Or, are you instead in full possession of it — except that you don’t know it? Or, you’re the last to know.
What if we all learned a new skill? How to work with the human energy system to reveal our inherent wholeness, our integrity? Integrity is connected to our same word as integer — It means wholeness. What a world that would create!
Remember, please, that the eight major chakras comprise a system, and it’s the chakra system that’s vital, not just each individual component of it. That said, let’s explore the Sixth Indigo Brow Chakra.
First, remember that all living beings have an energy system, which means, of course, that we all have Sixth Indigo Brow Chakras. This is the energy center that is concerned most with Intuition and Knowing.
That in itself isn’t news, but have you ever considered that we all might have different definitions of Intuition? Of Knowing? What constitutes knowing in one culture isn’t the same experientially as in a different culture.
The key word there is experientially. Even at the simplest level, they’re different. So whose expression needs win?
The real answer is: Ours. All of them.
How that works is to up-level the knowing need, namely, all beings need to be comfortable in pursuit of their unique needs for when to go within and let knowing arise from the inside-out rather than knowing from outside-in.
Collective Healing Agendas
This is where it’s good to remember that we not only have all our own individual needs, but that those needs have context.
At the highest level, our collective Sixth Indigo Brow needs are: To deeply know our intuitive wisdom as individuals, and to other-accept the same.
This is one of the main reasons it’s necessary to want for everyone what we want for ourselves. If I begrudge you having what I want, then I can’t have it either.
It’s because we’re all energetically connected.
Tomorrow, we’ll move to the Collective Agenda in the Seventh Violet Crown Chakra. Blessèd week.