Chakra Challenges: 2nd
Patreon 2.21.23
Now we switch to a different application for the chakra system, that of diagnosis. So let’s talk about diagnosis for a minute. Diagnosis is a gift, on the one hand, and a curse, on the other.
When anyone has a collection of uncomfortable symptoms, having a name for them — a diagnosis — can feel like a relief. That’s the gift, a certain reverse peace of mind. The logic goes like this: at least if I know what this is, I also know what it isn’t.
On the other hand, said the Libra, did you notice the little word in between Oh, … and … up? A little word that’s actually a total, freaky game-changer? So you aren’t in suspense, it’s “my.”
You see that “my,” whilst comforting is also limiting. That little word “my” changes everything. With that one notion, we own our disease. Do you really wish to own your … whatever symptoms might be yours? Probably not.
That said, we’ll continue with the Main Issues and Challenges for the Orange Sacral Chakra.
Bear in mind that these are general, and that they can affect you on four levels of your being: Body, Heart, Mind, or/and Spirit.
The main issues of this second chakra are:
Compulsive behavior
Emotional balance
Learning to be in relationship to an other
Rather than detail each one, think a minute, Beloved. Are there areas of your life wherein you wonder about your ability to change? Where your emotional needs — to attend to your own feelings or have others attend to them — aren’t met? Where you doubt you’ll be able to preserve your integrity — your own wholeness — in the face of emotion or sexuality?
Those are second chakra issues, and need addressing as soon as you can because these issues are the barometer that tells you how you are in life.
There are two that can be a particular struggle. The first is change in and of itself, whether you initiate it or it is driven by external influences. This one often comes with painful resistance. The second is learn to be in and for yourself whilst being in relationship to an other, any other. This one takes time.
If you’re concerned that you have second chakra issues, the first, easiest, and simplest thing you can do is make sure you can see a rich pumpkin orange in your world at all times. [Origami paper works well for this.]
Or, you can wear just such an orange.
Or, you can imagine an orange light treatment of the water you drink, and take it in that way.
Give it three days of “orange” treatment. Do you feel better? Differently? Good. It’s working. Keep at it.
Tomorrow, we’ll have a look at the main issues/challenges of the Yellow Solar Chakra.