Chakra 8th: For & Why
Patreon 12.16.22
You will recall … we are working toward creating a single sentence that embodies each chakra’s essence. They all begin: Because I receive [Grace,] I give [Gift] (see the past several posts).
The next piece of the equation answers two questions simultaneously. Namely, Where and Why. Efficient, isn’t it?
Where is all about the realm in which most of the effects of each chakra occurs. The realm, or area of your life, is also the why: because each realm holds a desirable goal for everyone.
So let us continue with the 8th Rose Thymus Chakra and build out our single sentence.
Because I receive Compassion, I give Kindness for Vision …
Vision comes from Middle English roots meaning, of course, to see with this qualifier: denoting a supernatural apparition. It means that we’re not only talking about Vision, but about Vision in un-manifest reality. Stop to think about it for a minute, Vision really is broad, or it ought to be. Confining it to a single mission in life seems a little short-sighted. Consider that you are a fourfold being: Body, Heart, Mind, Spirit.
What is, then … Body Vision, Heart Vision, Mind VIsion, Spirit Vision? How does each manifest in your life?
Body Vision can certainly mean a body that is viewed as a limitation, but it can also mean a body imagined as its best potential manifest into form. Understanding that the body you have is malleable to your dream of it is a huge breakthrough. Both ways are available to you. It’s a choice.
Heart Vision can certainly mean a heart hemmed in by risk-averse warnings, protections, and cautions, but it can also mean a heart that is dedicated to opening itself day in and day out to include all experience — be they magical or despairing. Vision is a big subject, chock full of possibility, and worth a lifetime of study.
Mind Vision can certainly mean a mind that has prejudged (not the beginnings of the word prejudice in there) and is already made up, but it can also mean a mind that has been trained deliberately to see the best in life, and to continue to envision that best expanding in one’s own behalf and in behalf of others. Again, it’s all choices.
Spirit Vision can certainly mean a core that is content with its inherited faith tradition, but it can also mean a core essence that “lifts up its eyes” to seek past one’s inherited faith tradition and become curious about the faith practices of others. Look up, Beloved, raise your eyes to the horizon — that’s where the Big Vision is. Ask for inspiration and you will receive it.
See? Much more complicated than you originally thought. And we haven’t even touched the issue of manifesting! This is well worth thinking about, Beloved. We all do want access to Vision on one level or another. When we learn the foundational metaphysical principle that we co-create our reality, Vision becomes the mechanism we use to dream our futures into being. Go ahead, envision it, because it makes life richer which is a good enough reason.
Monday, we’ll begin the next leg of our Chakra Journey — into how to enjoy these Graces, Gifts, and Realms.