Chakra 5: For / Why
Patreon 12.13.22
You will recall … we are working toward creating a single sentence that embodies each chakra’s essence. They all begin: Because I receive [Grace,] I give [Gift] (see the past several posts).
The next piece of the equation answers two questions simultaneously. Namely, Where and Why. Efficient, isn’t it?
Where is all about the realm in which most of the effects of each chakra occurs. The realm, or area of your life, is also the why: because each realm holds a desirable goal for everyone.
So let us continue with the 5th Turquoise Throat Chakra and build out our single sentence.
Because I receive Creativity, I give Wonder for Imagination …
Imagination comes from Latin roots meaning picture to oneself and, further, from imago meaning image. It means that we’re not only talking about creativity, but about creativity expressed enough to make an image, a picture arise in the mind of someone else. Stop to think about it for a minute, Imagination really is broad, or it ought to be. Confining it to the classical arts seems a little short-sighted. Consider that you are a fourfold being: Body, Heart, Mind, Spirit.
What is, then … Body Imagination, Heart Imagination, Mind Imagination, Spirit Imagination? How does each manifest in your life?
Body Imagination can certainly mean a body that isn’t necessarily made-to-order perfection (although on one level, it totally is), but it can also mean a body that is as moldable, changeable, and improve-able limited only by your ability to picture such a thing, and that means a body that gives its inhabitant sheer joy and pleasure. Both ways are available to you. It’s a choice.
Heart Imagination can certainly mean a heart whose reality falls short of its dreams, but it can also mean a heart that is aware of a multitude of ways and means to create all sorts of relationships, and that includes Prince or Princess Charming if you want such a being in your life.
Mind Intimacy can certainly mean a mind that isn’t throughly explored or appreciated, but it can also mean a mind that loves nothing better than looking into new things to learn, that challenge itself, and create new ideas and better solutions for living. Again, it’s all choices.
Spirit Intimacy can certainly mean a core that isn’t even on your rada, but it can also mean a core essence that is intimately connected to its own greater and great expression its own inner Divinity, and to living in such a way as to inspire others to aspire to the same.
See? Much more complicated than you originally thought. And we haven’t even touched the Law of Attraction! This is well worth thinking about, Beloved. We all do want access to our Imagination on one level or another, as in a way of life in which we are able to use our God-given talents to create whatever magic we can dream up, and we want it because it makes life richer which is a good enough reason.
Monday, we’ll explore the 6th Indigo Brow Chakra.