Chakra +/-: 3rd
Patreon 3.10.23
Today we continue our considerations of the positive and negative applications of the energies of each chakra.
Each chakra has inherently a Grace, which causes us to have a Gift to give ourselves and others. Both the Grace and the Gift of each chakra can be applied positively or negatively.
The Grace of the Yellow Solar Chakra is Power.
The Gift of the Yellow Solar Chakra is Commitment.
Here, in alphabetical order, are the negative possibilities connected to Power and Commitment.
Apathetic, Arrogant, Over-concerned with power and/or fame, Fear of failure, Fear of success, Hypocritical, Inability to make decisions, Incompetent, Inflexible, Lack of confidence, Lack of self-respect, Poor assimilation, Poor judgment, Poor psychic levels, Rigidity, Unable to finish things, Underlying selfishness
Remember, just like with all positives and negatives, there are two major options: the “negative,” passive thing not to do is resist. And the “positive” active thing is to embrace the opposites.
Let’s pick one: Inability to make decision.
Sure, you can use not deciding as a form of resistance to Power — waiting for someone else to decide so you can blame them and not yourself when it doesn’t work out, anyone?
And you can use not deciding as a form of embrace of Power — holding back and allowing events to unfold, for example.
Or, how about Rigidity?
You are perfectly capable of using rigidity as a form of resistance to commitment (in fact, rigidity in itself is resistance) — Deciding this is how something has to be or else it doesn’t count.
You may also use rigidity as a form of embracing commitment — loyalty programs, anyone?
Have a gander at the list with a mind intent on self-evaluation. You know where you’re resisting, Beloved, and you know where you’re embracing. Happy with them? Great. If not, use the chakra color itself on either extreme within you to create the change you want to see.
Be the blessing.
We’ll pick this up Monday with the positives of the fourth green heart chakra.