Big, Permanent Change Through the Chakras: More Abundance
Patreon 1.4.23
Did you make/take the time to figure out the theme in your “deck-chair” desires for 2023? Let’s recap: Most New Year’s Resolutions fall flat because they’re too far a stretch and too small a goal.
Yes, you read that right. Too small.
Oh, and also, that almost all of them are about changing things outside-in — which, FWIW, is the absolute hardest way to change anything, I mean, barring which drawer to use for socks and which for unmentionables.
So, do you want big, permanent change in 2023? If you do, you have to work at the level of big, permanent change.
It’s not always easy, but it’s always, always simple. Switch your orientation. Look to make big change, meta-change, permanent change from the inside-out.
Look at the image above. Which Grace do you think/feel/sense would make the biggest change in your life?
For the sake of example, I’m going to walk us through how to use your personal energy system, through the chakras, using the 7th Violet Crown Chakra whose Grace is Abundance.
Now normally, when people think of Abundance, the first thing that comes up is money, and true, more money might indeed make you feel more abundant which is all to the good. But true Abundance is so much more than just money.
Let’s think on that for a minute. Could Abundance also mean:
Better Health … More Wealth … More Power … More Love … More Creative Expression … More Guidance … More Time … More Divinity … More Compassion?
It could, and it does. Would any of these senses of “more” be welcome in your life? I’m betting they would.
So let’s start with two tiny things, action steps, that you can take to help create a sense of More or Abundance in your life.
This chakra is the 7th chakra. Start to keep an eye out for the number seven — especially in multiples. Type the number 7 in as big a font as you can, print it out, and put it where you can see it. In fact, do a triple! 777.
Then every time you see a 7, tell yourself, I am Abundant.
Action Step #2: Wear Violet. Even if it’s just a piece of Violet origami paper tucked inside your sweater sleeve. Or, if Violet is flattering to you, go all out. Wear mono-chrome Violet.
Then every time you notice your tie or your sleeve, remind yourself, Oh right, I am Abundant.
P. S. Shall I tell you a secret? You know how people warn one another about their negative triggers these days? Well, this is the inverse of that. It’s using Positive Triggers — ones you choose on purpose — to create big, permanent change.
Tomorrow, more Violet Action Steps.