Big Change & The Elements for Chakras 1 & 2
Patreon 1.10.23
Still with me? Still on making big, permanent change? Good.
Because by now you know that kind of change only happens from the inside out, through repeated reminders, taking small, relentless daily steps.
So here’s another way to become conscious of how you install a positive trigger to create meta-change.
Depending upon which chakra’s Grace you chose, you can work with its fundamental biological building block — it’s element.
Fifth grade science class reminder: there are four elements. Earth, Water, Air, Fire. In order of density. (FWIW, they correspond to Body, Heart, Mind, Spirit, respectively, but that’s another idea for another day.)
If you chose the Red Root Grace of Life, that corresponds to the element Earth. Makes sense, doesn’t it, that the first chakra would be all about surviving here in embodied form on this planet? My guess is that other planetary residencies have different requirements.
So in this case, look for Earth-based steps to take. Small, incremental, daily, Beloved, not big, dramatic, once-and-for-alls. If you want to express, manifest, create a livelier you, what actions speak that to you? (Hint: they’ll be different for everyone.)
In my case, one of the things that always soothes and thrills me is music. When I’m working on Earth-based change, I make sure I hear some sort of music every day.
Or if you chose the Orange Sacral Grace of Passion, that corresponds to the element Water. Makes sense, again, doesn’t it, that the second chakra would be all about emotion and using feelings as a barometer for well-being?
Then, look for Water-based steps to take. Again, no drama, just gentle, consistent moving forward. What actions help you feel more Passionate about your life? How do you even notice that in yourself? Only you will have the secret to your own passions.
For me, if I’m working on Water-based manifestation, one of my ‘tells’ (yes, in the poker sense) is an internal smile. Silly, I know, but I get a flash of my own face with a Mona Lisa smile floating through my brain. Go figure.
One of the best things about working with bio building blocks known as elements is they’re easy, they’re everywhere, and it’s simple to notice how they play a part in your everyday reality.
Tomorrow, we’ll chat about the elements for the 3rd Solar Chakra and the 4th Heart Chakra.