All the Chakras & All the Brain
Let’s visit the different parts of the brain and how they work with and identify with the human energy system, more commonly known as chakras.
This is actually the Crossroads between Brain and Mind.
Brain is the organ in your skull. Mind is in every single cell of your existence, all those that have been, all that are, and all that will be. Mind is awareness, consciousness, witness.
Your human energy system, the primary components of which are the eight major chakras, comes with eight major Graces: Life, Passion, Power, Love, Creativity, Intuition, Abundance, and Compassion. Those eight Graces are freely given to each incarnate person.
Because of being endowed with those Graces, we have eight Gifts to give to ourselves and others. They are: Belonging, Exuberance, Commitment, Connection, Wonder, Guidance, Generosity, and Kindness.
Despite the brain dissection I’ve done over the last two weeks, we would all do well to remember that just as …
The human energy system is a system, and is therefore meant to work together …
…so is the human brain a system, and is also meant to work together.
We lose track of these things to our own disadvantage.
The next time you’ve had it up to your chakra system and your brain with something in your life, and someone tells you to make a gratitude list, and you want to strangle them, start with a deep breath, and tune into both Brain and Mind. Ask them where there is a disconnect.
Once you find it, you’ll be able to connect it again by the gentle use of your free will. This sort of wholistic energy practice can change just about anything immediately if you’ll let it.
Blessèd weekend.