A New Class … A New Year … A New You?
A New Year … A New Class … A New You?
Mercury went retrograde in Capricorn at 4:32 this morning. You might be wondering why I would announce a new training cohort on the day Merc reverses … it makes little sense, right?
I did it on purpose. Yep, I waited — deliberately — till today. Here’s why:
A really thoughtful astrologer once told me that whenever Mercury goes retrograde, the reason there are so many external communication issues is because it’s a time when the inner voice in each of us is stronger than the outer voices.
Mercury Retrograde is prime time for communion and communication with oneself. It’s those who are listening within themselves for that distinct feeling, that Ping. This is mine to do, whom I address today.
As you know, I published the eight Energy Integrity Workbooks this year. They’re a journey through your own energy system via the chakras, past, present, and future.
Now, it’s time to begin to teach others how to do with chakras what I’ve learned to do over forty years. Hence,
I am inviting six elite students to participate in a a one-year chakra training program, students who want to learn how to do with the chakra system what I have learned to do with it. Let me be clear, though. If what you want is a series of rules about how to work with chakras, I’m not the teacher for you.
What I’m interested in fostering is people — healers — who connect with and create their own versions of what I do. It must be this way because your perceptions of the chakras will naturally differ from mine.
The time commitment is five hours per month for a year, and whatever other time you choose to dedicate. It breaks down into two two-hour teaching/Q & A sessions via Zoom, and one private coaching session per student every month. The first eight will take you through the depth work of the eight workbooks as the basis for your immersion into your own chakra system. The last four will be applied chakra work with and for others. The goal is grounded confidence in your abilities to use the chakra system as a guide for helping others to heal themselves energetically.
The cost of the program is $15,000 for the year, payable in full or with a payment plan, and is tax deductible. An interview is requisite so please email me to let me know your interest or give out my contact information to those you consider serious candidates.
Humanity is up to its neck in a huge transition, Beloved. We’re shifting from an information economy to an energy economy. Some of us are meant to devote ourselves to bringing this shift into form. Is one of them you?