A Medical Intuitive Take on the CoronaVirus

Susan Corso
5 min readMar 28, 2020

The fear of the coronavirus notwithstanding, there is always a metaphysical — beyond the physical — cause for every illness.

I’ve been a Medical Intuitive for decades. At one time, I was the Director of Spiritual & Energy Medicine at a progressive healthcare center in Boston working with the patients of twenty team physicians to help align their bodies, hearts, minds, and spirits.

That said, the coronavirus has mystified me for longer than is comfortable. Fortunately, I was inspired with an interpretation that made utter sense to me.

Clue #1: Names

The names of diseases often hold a clue as to their metaphysical anatomy and physiology.

The corona of the coronavirus refers to the shape of the cells that hold the virus. The word comes from the Greek and means either crown or wreath or halo.

For those of you familiar with the chakra system, it will come as no surprise that this outbreak draws our attention to the Crown Chakra. Its placement is at the top, or crown, of the skull. The Crown Chakra is where humans connect personally with Divinity.

You will note I have not designated which Divinity. Divinity, at all. The Divine. The Source. The Oneness. The Real. Call it what you will.

Coronavirus is sending an unmistakable message that we, humanity, need Divinity. We need to have personal connection with something of The Divine.

No one reading this will be surprised that the statistics around organized religion are abysmal. Attendance and membership are down, way down. There is a whole new category for those who measure these things: SBNR. It stands for Spiritual But Not Religious. Those numbers are increasing exponentially.

It doesn’t matter where you fall in the Divinity camp. It matters that you connect to it at all. Most of what we argue about on the religion front is what I call software. It’s how you like your Deity delivered. If you’re a Sufi, you like Allah. If you’re a Christian, you like Jesus.

I’m talking, instead, about being hardwired for some connection with the Divine, and I believe we all are, whether we know it, like it, believe it — or not. The hardware is what’s under threat. As more and more of us labor under paralyzing conditions of fear, doubt, and need, our need for a felt-sense place in the Cosmos grows.

If you are a person who believes in Divinity, use your connection for those who don’t. Believe in their behalf. Believe that there is a higher good, and we can access it for all of us.

Clue #2: Places

The second thing about the metaphysics of dis-ease, hyphen intentional, is that where symptoms arise often holds a message.

In the case of the coronavirus, the symptoms in humans settle in the respiratory system. In TCM, Traditional Chinese Medicine, the five elements are a useful model for a metaphysician because each element is associated with an emotion. Lung holds the element of Metal in TCM, and Metal is associated with Grief.

Oh, gee, can we think of a reason that humanity might collectively be experiencing grief at this time?

The Toddler-in-Chief at the helm of the United States of America?

Immigration fear-mongering?
Climate change deniers?
White supremacy?
Any of the –isms? Classism, Sexism, Racism, Ageism, Ableism, and any other kind you like?
Corporate greed?
Environmental disgraces?
Tax evasion by the wealthy?

And I’m only talking about the U.S.

So, yes, we’re living in a time of shared grief. Rough shared grief. Sadness and gladness at the same time as old structures and infrastructures are falling down around our ears, and before new structures are arisen. Yes, we’re grieving.

We need to do it more consciously. We need to allow for our grief at how the world is demanding that we change our beliefs, our behaviors, our very selves. Grief has a topsy turvy pathway, but it is a path. We must learn to allow for it. We must let ourselves be sad, be mad, be glad, and then we must act to change our beliefs, our behaviors, ourselves, and our world.

Clue #3: Sources

The third factor that weighs in on the metaphysics of an illness is where it sourced. Usually, that doesn’t mean a geographical place. It usually means a species. In this case, there are two likely culprits. One is from bats; another is from snakes. There are an equal number of yeas, and nays, on both in the first hundred articles on Google.

No matter. Let us look at bats, and at snakes from the viewpoint of Animal Medicine. Animal Medicine is part of many indigenous shamanic and healing traditions. What do bats bring for healing? What do snakes?

Bat Medicine represents symbolic death and rebirth. Often it is medicine that indicates a person is to be a shaman. The symbolic death and rebirth in this case is for our entire Western civilization. Bat is also a nocturnal creature; people fear bats. Doowan.com says Bat offers a “gateway to new life and purpose.” What better antidote to the cynicism, and fearmongering, and exceptionalism that surround us?

Can we learn to accept the Wisdom of the Bat? Can we let go and walk the path of initiation required for all rebirth? I say we can, and we must.

Snake Medicine fits beautifully with Bat Medicine on this transformative journey we have undertaken whether we’ve agreed to it or not. Snake is all about shedding old skins in order to be renewed. Snake would tell us that we have outgrown an old way and must bare new skin, new vulnerability, to find a new way.

In some indigenous cosmologies, Snake is the totem of the Earth Goddess. In the coronavirus, we are put on notice that change is on its way. Like it or not. It is no mistake that Snake Medicine is the principal symbol of healthcare in the West, the caduceus. Snake is a mandate for change.

And if you don’t believe me, I refer you to the early chapters of the Hebrew Bible, specifically, the Book of Genesis. The Snake is no mistake.


And what sort of change might a worldwide pandemic foster?

Oh, gee, how about … we learn to share with one another?
Or, how about we learn to protect one another?
Or, how about we learn to give others what we want for ourselves?
Or, how about we admit our own neediness?
Or, our own fear?

How about we see that we are all in this together? All, no exceptions. Coronavirus is a powerful messenger — whether we are desirous of hearing its message or we aren’t. If it had its own voice, I think it would say:

“Pay attention. Let God — whichever one — be at the center of your life. Yes, beloved, you are grieving. Weep. Moan. Wail. Gnash your teeth. Then dry your eyes, blow your nose, wash your face, and look around. There is a whole new world coming into being if you’ll welcome it, and until you do, woe betide those who do not.”

On the other side of this pandemic, whenever it comes, wouldn’t it be incredible to be able to say about humankind that we helped one another, that we got through it together, and that we know the only way to change our world for the better is one beloved soul at a time?

Together, we can do anything.

Isolated and terrified, almost nothing.

It’s our choice.



Susan Corso
Susan Corso

Written by Susan Corso

Dr. Susan Corso a metaphysician with a private counseling practice for 40+ years. She has written too many books to list here. Her website is www.susancorso.com

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